1 x 70cl bottle of cheap vodka.
1 x packet of Foxes Glacier Mints.
Easiest made in a demi john if you have one about but can be done in the bottle by pouring half of the vodka out.
Into a sterilised demi john add the Foxes Glacier Mints. Pour in the 70 cl of vodka. Put a solid bung into the demi john and shake. Leave at room temp, shaking occasionally until all the sweets have disolved.
Add a few drops of food colouring, (Blue or Green) to the mix.
Chill the bottle either in fridge or freezer and serve over ice.
1 x 70cl bottle of cheap vodka.
1 x packet of Foxes Glacier Mints.
Easiest made in a demi john if you have one about but can be done in the bottle by pouring half of the vodka out.
Into a sterilised demi john add the Foxes Glacier Mints. Pour in the 70 cl of vodka. Put a solid bung into the demi john and shake. Leave at room temp, shaking occasionally until all the sweets have disolved.
Add a few drops of food colouring, (Blue or Green) to the mix.
Chill the bottle either in fridge or freezer and serve over ice.