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Plum or Damson Wine

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  • #31
    … And parsnips are for roasting (just to avoid any confusion) :-)
    Gluten free, caffeine free, dairy free, fat free – you gotta love this red wine diet!


    • #32
      I will agree with you about the parsnips but I still think "free" hedgerow red fruit wine has got to be worth a go.


      • #33
        I think so too Rob and I am very pleased with my 2010 wild plum. Drinking nicely now. If you are ever coming up the M3 / A303 give me a shout and i'll bung you a bottle. I am just off Junction 6 (M3)
        "I can certainly see that you know your wine. Most of the guests who stay here wouldn't know the difference between Bordeaux and Claret." - Basil Fawlty


        • #34
          PS Plum Jam is lovely too.
          "I can certainly see that you know your wine. Most of the guests who stay here wouldn't know the difference between Bordeaux and Claret." - Basil Fawlty


          • #35
            why has nobody thought of grape jam
            Gluten free, caffeine free, dairy free, fat free – you gotta love this red wine diet!


            • #36
              They have

              Member of 5 Towns Wine and Beer Makers Society (Yorkshire's newest)
              Wine, mead and beer maker


              • #37
                what!! people are using perfectly good grapes for Jam!!
                Seriously I have never seen anyone – not even mentioned
                Gluten free, caffeine free, dairy free, fat free – you gotta love this red wine diet!


                • #38
                  Originally posted by SiSandrine View Post
                  I think so too Rob and I am very pleased with my 2010 wild plum. Drinking nicely now. If you are ever coming up the M3 / A303 give me a shout and i'll bung you a bottle. I am just off Junction 6 (M3)
                  Thanks for the offer. I might just take you up on that.


                  • #39
                    Is Luc onthis site? He has another way of making plum wine we have to try, We have always gotten that plum twant that wont go away, he may have hit on it being some waxy stuff on the skins Quote"It took us the whole week to process the prunes. I have a day-time job and Els has her things to do, so it came down to the evening hours.
                    As prunes have a wax coating they have to be washed in household soda first otherwise your wine will not clear. Then we washed them in a bath of sulphite to kill germs and fungi." Luc Volders Blog
                    When our trees start making plums we are gonig to give this a tryCC
                    WVMountaineer Jacks Elderberry and Meads USA


                    • #40
                      We have made a loverly wine this year with a can of plum concentrate and a bunch of elderberries, I messed up one of the sugar calcuations and added a lot to much sugar, the yeast ate more of it but then gave up, it cleard, and is the sweetest most best tasting plum elderberry wines we could have ever hoped for, the overwhelming sweetness is in fact in balance witheverthing else and should be viewed as a winner. Sending it off to the comp this spring, if they dont like it it wiill at least have given them a rush of plum and elderberry flavor and then sent them on a wild sugar buzzzz like they were electrified and hair standing out on the ends good, Probably as us for a second bottle to try Cracked
                      WVMountaineer Jacks Elderberry and Meads USA


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Crackedcork View Post
                        Is Luc onthis site?
                        Luc is a regular visitor (we are buddies) but he doesnt post
                        Member of 5 Towns Wine and Beer Makers Society (Yorkshire's newest)
                        Wine, mead and beer maker


                        • #42
                          Lockwood, I can get Luc to post, ELDERBERRIES ARE NOT POISONOUS CC
                          WVMountaineer Jacks Elderberry and Meads USA


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Crackedcork View Post
                            ELDERBERRIES ARE NOT POISONOUS CC
                            No but plums are, when you have no household soda and use domestos instead.

                            I would say plum wine is definately worth it, and damsons too. I have both in quantity near me and my plum wine, vintage 2011, September, 1445 hrs, was by best yet. Now I have almost a whole year of experience under my belt, looking forward to a few variations with all the free fruit next harvest time.

                            And for the record, parsnip jam rocks!


                            • #44
                              One thing on Lucs discussion on plum wine, there is no details on how much soda ash to add to wash the waxy stuff off of the fruit, it is a lot of just a little added to the water. I would also think rinsing them in acidified water, with citric acid, would be a good idea to neutralize the basic soda? CC
                              WVMountaineer Jacks Elderberry and Meads USA


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Leon View Post
                                No but plums are, when you have no household soda and use domestos instead.

                                I would say plum wine is definately worth it, and damsons too. I have both in quantity near me and my plum wine, vintage 2011, September, 1445 hrs, was by best yet. Now I have almost a whole year of experience under my belt, looking forward to a few variations with all the free fruit next harvest time.

                                And for the record, parsnip jam rocks!
                                what recipe did you use for the plum wine?

