From Winemaker magazine
$45 per year delivered to the UK
Racking the Wine

"Racking" means transferring the fermenting wine away from sediment. You insert a clear, sanitised plastic hose into the fermenter and syphon the clear wine into another sanitised container. Then top it up and fit it with a sanitised bung and fermentation lock. This can be a delicate operation and it's important to go slowly. You don't want to stir up the sediment, but you don't want to lose your syphon suction either.
Quite often kit wine instructions talk about "transferring" the wine from primary fermenter to secondary fermenter, this generally would mean taking everything including the sediment.
$45 per year delivered to the UK
Racking the Wine

"Racking" means transferring the fermenting wine away from sediment. You insert a clear, sanitised plastic hose into the fermenter and syphon the clear wine into another sanitised container. Then top it up and fit it with a sanitised bung and fermentation lock. This can be a delicate operation and it's important to go slowly. You don't want to stir up the sediment, but you don't want to lose your syphon suction either.
Quite often kit wine instructions talk about "transferring" the wine from primary fermenter to secondary fermenter, this generally would mean taking everything including the sediment.