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  • Cider


    Well this is as easy as it gets!
    (called turbo as its so quick and easy)

    4.5L of pure apple juice
    1tsp yeast

    1. Place 3L of apple juice into a demijon (assumeing everything is sterile)
    2. PLace 1tsp of yeast into the demijon
    3. shake
    4. leave for 36-48hrs to ferment then top with with the remaining of the juice (cant fill it right up at the start as it will foam quite a bit)
    5. leave to ferment out
    6. Rack off and drink (or if you like cider fizzy then prime as usual)

    i thought i would try this out and i was very impressed with the results.

    it is sssooooo easy

    i used tesco value apple juice and SG was 1.042 so no sugar was necessary (to get to 5.5%ish) but if you want cider stronger add sugar/honey or whatever.

    very good for a beginer and an expert alike!

    good for trying out different yeasts also since the recipe is so simple and the ingredients vary so little.

    Courtesy of Des Devlin (Deadlydess)

    Ok, then lets get going on this Turbo Cider. I cant wait for mine to develop, i am at the topping up stage now, and i cant get over how much it has changed since i left for work this morning.
    So, do i just gradually add the reat of the Apple juice, or can i pour the lot in at one go?
    Last edited by lockwood1956; 28-10-2007, 08:21 PM.

  • #2
    I'm going to make another batch of this but stronger (with added honey)

    mainly cos I think I know a couple of my mates who will love it


    • #3
      i did exactly what you said and all was fine. There was no problem in the first hour, so i made it up to 4.5 litres, and it started bubbling like mad. I hope i did the right thing by pouring some out into a sterlized bottle with cotton wool on the top. There was bubbles shooting up the airlock and it was very lively! Hopefully finsh topping up tommorow or next day when it gets calmer.
      Did i do the right thing?


      • #4

        Is there a case for putting all the concentrate in at the start as i find that it only bubbles/foams badly when adding more concentrate and not at the outset?

        Fermenting shows no mercy to the beginner


        • #5
          concentrate in cider


          • #6
            another way

            that I use is add the apple juice over 4 days(with champagne yeast on first day) and on the 4th day add a fully bloomed rose for boquet absolutely cracking and my interpretation of the turbo bit is because it gets me drunk so quick.


            • #7
              Turbo cider question?

              David this time of year in New Jersey we have pleanty of fresh apple cider, so I think I will give it a try .When I first add the yeast to the demi jon 3 ltrs do I put the air lock on or wait a few days?And what type of yeast do I use.

              Thanks Kodiak


              • #8
                Thanks David!What is a yeast starter ?Bread yeast is ok?


                • #9
                  If I double or triple the recipe do I use the same amount of yeast as the single recipe or does that need to be increased?
                  Life's more fun with a Polish Wine Princess!
                  Half owner of Italian Floor Corker


                  • #10
                    I have started a batch! I will keep you posted, My girlfriend thinks I'm nuts.I have 40 gallons of grapes some in secondary some in primary stages, turbo on the kitchen counter. I have everything in the house that you can ferment, fermenting. I'm thinking about fermenting the cat? Turbo cat?

                    Thanks Charlie:


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Kodiak
                      Turbo cat?


                      • #12
                        Go ahead and try it! Just be sure someone is there to take pictures! I want to see this! It could be a self-stirring must! I know I'd not want to try it. My cats wouldn't stand for it and after they escaped I'd never sleep again! I'd be too scared!
                        Life's more fun with a Polish Wine Princess!
                        Half owner of Italian Floor Corker


                        • #13
                          Hi David
                          ive just put a gallon of your Turbo Cider on tonight ill let you know how it turns out, Cheers mate.

                          Regards Paul (Reapers revenge)
                          Two jugs of beer and even you cant understand what you're saying.


                          • #14
                            Not anyone who's still breathing I think
                            BTW I gave taken your advice on another forum and now have 30ltrs on the go. That should keep the other half satisfied .
                            Let's party

                            AKA Brunehilda - Last of the Valkaries


                            • #15
                              Tea and Raisin sounds nice, I must try that. Where do you keep your big bins? Due to lack of space mine is in the living room. The sound of the bubbles is so loud its become part of the family. I have named him Sidney.
                              (Well what do you expect from someone who had a pile of horse manure called Timothy) *sound of mad laughter echoing from the padded cell*

                              Let's party

                              AKA Brunehilda - Last of the Valkaries

